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David has decades of experience in basic and applied sceintific research in the fields of aerospace plastics, medicine, and organic chemistry. As a facutly / staff member and researcher he also gained years of additional study in English, Philosophy, and Business Management.

Monday, July 25, 2011

No Seperation

The line between the separation of Church and State is not only being crossed but being erased. Potential Presidential candidate and current Governor of the state of Texas is holding a "prayer" conference next month. Only Christians are invited. "Just let God solve our nation's pressing problems."

Religion has always equaled politics and the founders of this nation new this. One of the major issues they had with English control of the American colonies was The Church of England being shoved down their throats. Look it up!!! Two hundred plus years later the Christians of America are shoving their worldview up the ass of those who believe the founders new better. I bet the earliest Christians would be very quick to warn of such bigotry. They were persecuted for hundreds of years before the then super power of the Western World adopted Christianity as their official religion.

Next will come a fascist, dictatorial, autocratic government with the nuclear armaments to indeed "prove" that the end of the world is coming. Just push a button and then: "There, I told you so."

Does anyone see this as a major problem? Speak to me!!!!

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